Current Features

  • Gripping & dragging panels
    • You can use the grip button of either VR controller to drag the desktop panel. This allows you to move and rotate the panel into the desired position.
    • If you use the grip button of both VR controllers at the same time then you can scale the desktop panel to a desired size.
  • Pen mode
    • Bringing the virtual pen near the desktop panel turns on “pen mode”, which remains until the pen is moved away again.
    • Pen mode does not show the pen’s pointer line. Instead, a shadow of the pen fades onto the desktop panel. The nearer the tip of the pen gets to the panel, the stronger and smaller its shadow becomes. By the time the pen is touching the panel, the shadow’s size has shrunk to zero.
  • Pen pressure
    • Pressure is simultaneously defined in two ways: how far the pen tip is embedded into the panel and how far the trigger button is pushed in.
    • The pen tip embedding produces smooth pressure transitions, while the trigger button snaps pressure to one of 4 presets. This allows you to control pressure within a stroke by moving the pen in and out, and control pressure for a whole section of the drawing (such as for a rough sketch) by changing the trigger press amount.
    • The pen tip embedding goes from zero pressure when the pen is barely touching the panel to full pressure when the pen is embedded up to or beyond the base of the pen tip.
    • The length of the pressure gradient (the pen tip) can be changed in the settings. Longer lengths offer more control while shorter lengths allow for more dynamic strokes.
    • The trigger button has four snap points. These snap points change the pressure by set amounts. They are represented visually through the pen’s transparency:
      • fully released – Pressure is at 0%: no drawing occurs.
      • fully pressed – Pressure is at 100%: fully defined by pen embed distance.
      • mostly pressed – Pressure is at 70%: slightly less than fully pressed.
      • barely pressed – Pressure is at 30%: slightly more than fully released.
  • Controller action reference
    • If you point one controller at another controller, the controller being pointed to shows a reference for what each button does.
    • The primary “drawing” controller has different actions when in pen mode (near the panel) than when in mouse mode. This reference shows the actions for the current mode.
  • Rumble level
    • The primary controller shakes briefly each time the pen connects/disconnects with the drawing surface while drawing.
    • The amount of shake can be adjusted in the settings.
  • Backgrounds
    • You can change the background in the settings.
    • NOTE: All backgrounds are currently placeholder and will be replaced.
  • Controller action setup
    • You can set what each button of the VR controller does in the settings.
    • Each button has a text label (for the Controller action reference above).
    • Each button has one or more actions. Each action does a single thing, such as pressing the mouse button, dragging the desktop or pressing a keyboard key.
    • The “KeyPress” and “KeyHit” actions also require that you select a keyboard key.
  • Desktop lock
    • You can block the desktop panel from being moved with this option.
    • Plane – dragging is blocked from moving the panel outside its current plane.
    • Full – dragging is completely blocked.
  • RL-Plane align (experimental)
    • You can lock the desktop panel to a real-life surface such as a table, wall or podium. This allows for drawing onto a physical surface. It also adds friction and, often, a space to rest your drawing arm.
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